- Shaikh is the founding Head of CIF Foundation (International) — often referred to as the 'Universe of Islam' in view of its vast and comprehensive data base on Sahih Iman, Sahih Islam, and Sahih Ihsan and its myriad initiatives and affiliated programs. Some of the highlights of Shaik’s works and initiatives are given below.
- Author of Tafseer Al-Asedi, the most comprehensive translation and explanation of the Quran in English. Tafseer translations In Sha Allah will be available in eleven languages, (1) Arabic, (2) French, (3) Hindi, (4) Indonesian, (5) Japanese, (6) Malay, (7) Persian, (8) Russian, (9) Spanish, (10) Telugu, and (11) Urdu, soon.
- Author of Irshad Al-Asedi, translation and explanation of 10 major books of Ahadith in English, (i) Sahih Bukhari, (ii) Sahih Muslim, (iii) Sunan An-Nasai, (iv) Sunan Abu Dawood, (v) Jami Tirmidhi, (vi) Sunan Ibn Majah, (vii) Ash-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiya (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم), (viii) Adab Al-Mufrad, (ix) Ahadith Qudsi, and (x) Ahadith on Tasawwuf, consisting of 56 volumes, 448 books.
- Author of Tashreeh Al-Asedi, translation and explanation of books of Fiqh of (i) Imam Abu Hanifah, (ii) Imam Malik, (iii) Imam Shafi'i, (iv) Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, (v) Imam Al-Quduri, (vi) Imam Al-Marghinani, etc.(رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم), 30 Volumes, 175 books.
- Author of Tawdih Al-Asedi, translation and explanations of books of Islamic Theology of (i) Imam Asha'ri, (ii) Imam Maturidi, (iii) Imam Tahawi, (iv) Imam An-Nasafi, etc.(رحمة الله عليهم ), 26 books.
- Author of Fusus Al-Iman, translation and explanation of specific verses of the Quran and important Ahadith from all major Ahadith books consisting of 12 Volumes, 84 books.
- Author of Tarajim Al-Asedi, translation and explaination of 478 books on Tasawwuf written in Arabic, Persian and Urdu by earlier Shuyookh of Ihsan like, (i) Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ), (ii) Khwaja Moinuddin Chishtee, (iii) Shaikh Ibn Al-Arabi, (iv) Shaikh Al-Ghazali, (v) Shaikh Ahmed Kabir Rifai, (vi) Shaikh Ahmed Sir Hindi, (vii) Shaikh Shahbuddin Suharwardi, (viii) Shaikh Al-Qushairi, (ix) Shaikh Al-Hujwiri, (x) Shaikh As-Sulami, (xi) Shaikh Fariduddin Attar, (xii) Shaikh Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui, etc. (رحمة الله عليهم ).
- Author of over 2000 books in over 30 categories, like Sahih Iman, Islamic History, beliefs of deviant sects, tazkia-tun-Nafs, Islamic issues of interest, etc., in addition to research papers, and online courses, covering a wide array of Islamic subjects.
- Head of Correct Islamic Faith International Academy (CIFIA). The Academy offers free online Islamic education to students between the age of 1 to 19 years on Islamic subjects and morals.
- Head of Cifia Global Research Center and Editor-in-Chief of 'Cifia Global Research Journal (CGRJ)' (ISSN # 2582-6859). Over 52 research papers on various Islamic subjects written by the Shaikh are available on this Journal's Archive.
- Shaikh is Sufi Poet of Ihsan. Collections of his Urdu poetry titled 'Ihsasistaan-e-Ased', and his English poetry titled, 'The Secret to Tranquility', are available at Sahih Iman online library.
- Collections of poetry of earlier Shuyookhs like, (i) Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani, Jalaluddin Roomi, (ii) Abdur Rahman Jami, (iii) Ameer Khusro, (iv) Saadi Shirazi, (v) Al-Busiri, (vi) Fariduddin Attar, (vii) Sanai Ghaznavi (viii) Mohiuddin Wajoodi, (ix) Shujauddin Siddiqui, (x) Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui, (xi) Badruddin Khaled Wajoodi, etc.(رحمتہ اللہ علیہم) written in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Hindavi are available on our Network Websites.
- Shaikh's distinct way of explanation shows his knowledge to be practical, rather than theoretical. He explains most difficult and complicated issues with unique ease which keeps the people spellbound; most of whom feel that their understanding capacity has enhanced and their hearts illuminated with Sahih Iman. His writings are widely accepted in the world as truly authentic, based on Quran and Sunnah, reading which millions of people have come back to the right path of Islam.
- Shaikh has made all his works available for free, including books, audio books, research papers, courses, videos and more, on our network websites namely, (i) sahihiman.com (data base of Sahih Iman), (ii) correctislamicfaith.com (data base of Sahih Islam and Sahih Ihsan/Tasawwuf), (iii) cifiaonline.com (online Islamic Educational Academy), and (iv) cifiaglobal.com (Islamic Research Centre).
- Helps millions of people across the globe with his Tawajjoh, Tazkia and Teaching.
- Prefers to live in seclusion, avoiding unnecessary fame and meaningless self-promotion.
- Does not accept any donations, money or material favors from anyone in the world.
CIF Foundation (The Universe of Islam)

Correct Islamic Faith Foundation (CIFF) was established by Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri in 2010. It is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Hyderabad, India. All its activities are online related to the explanation of Sahih Iman, Sahih Islam and Sahih Ihsan in the world.
There are 4 official websites of this Foundation, namely, (i) sahihiman.com (data base of Sahih Iman), (ii) correctislamicfaith.com (data base of Sahih Islam), (iii) cifiaonline.com (online Islamic Educational Academy), and (iv) cifiaglobal.com (Islamic Research Center). The coordination work for all activities within CIFF online Network is carried out under the direct supervision of Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri.
CIF Foundation
Shaikh has written a comprehensive Tafseer-e-Quran titled 'Tafseer-e-Asadi'
in English. It is available in written, audio and vidio formats. A Youtube Video channel 'Tafseer-e-Asedi' is
working for the benefit of its listeners. Soon, this Tafseer will be available in 10
languages, English, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Persian, Turkish, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, etc.
Read Tafseer-e-Asedi

Irshad Al Asedi

Shaikh has written guides of 10 major Books of Ahadith in English titled 'Irshad Al-Asedi.' These include Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan An-Nasai, Sunan Abu Dawood, Jami Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Maajah, Adab Al-Mufrad, Ash-Shamail Al-Muhammadia, Ahadith Qudusi, and Ahadith on Tasawwf. These guides are made available in written, audio and video formats. There are 56 volumes of Irshad Al-Asedi, consisting of 448 books. All these are uploaded on our Network website 'sahihiman.com. Their translations in other languages, in Sha Allah, will be made available for the benefit of our readers.
Read Irshad Al Asedi
Fusus Al Iman
The Quran and Ahadith are endless oceans of knowledge. ‘Fusus al-Iman’ (فُصوص الإيمان) (Bezels of Faith) books can be used by the people as an anchor of Sahih Iman when sailing in the oceans of knowledge of Quran and Ahadith. Fusus Al-Iman is a collection of explanations of specific verses of the Quran and Ahadith, from all the major Ahadith books, written by Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri. This series contains 83 books, 45 of which contain explanations of Quranic verses and 38 contain explanations of Ahadith.
Read Fusus Al Iman


Shaikh has written over 2000 books on 'Sahih Iman', 'Sahih Islam' and 'Sahih
Ihsan'. There
are two online digital libraries of Shaikh's works, (i) sahihiman.com - Sahih Iman
Library consisting of Tafseer-e-Asedi, Hadith book guides, Fiqh books, Tasawwf books, Fusus al-Iman books, and hundrreds of other books on
various Islamic subjects.
(ii) correctislamicfaith.com - Sahih Islam Library consisting of hundreds of books on
Islam and Sahih Ihsan. More books, Audios and Videos are added to these libraries on a continuous basis. Keep
visiting our Network websites for update.
Browse Books
Islamic Courses
Shaikh has developed more than 100 courses on Islamic subjects. These courses are offered online free of cost. You can watch and learn from any of these courses, at any time of the day, from the comforts of your homes. There is no homework, no test, and no stress for these courses. Just relax; and turn your attention towards Allah (عَزَّ وَجَلَّ) and His Apostle Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) to help you understand these courses. Be rest assured that it will be a great learning experience that will lead you to Sahih Iman and proximity to Allah and His Apostle (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم).
Browse Courses

Research Work

Shaikh is the Director of Cifia Global Research Center where authentic research on
subjects is undertaken. We use latest research design and technique in accordance with
international standard of publishing. A bi-annual 'Cifia Global Journal (CGJ) (ISSN 2582 6859)' is
from this Center. Shaikh is Managing Editor of this Journal and has written 52 research articles so far. It is an Open Acces Islamic
Journal where authors from all over the world are welcomed to write on issues related to
Islamic subjects and Muslim community in the World. It is a free access Journal as no fee is
charged to the authors or readers. They have the freedom to read, download, copy,
distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the papers published in the Journal
for personal use and sharing the knowledge with others if proper accreditation/citation of
the original publication (CGJ) is given.
See Research
Poetical Works
Shaikh is a poet in Urdu and English. Compilations of his English poetry titled 'The Secret
to Tranquility', and Urdu Kalam titled 'Ihsaasistaan-e-Ased' are available online for
Read Poetry